Happy Birthday Toledo, 180 years looks good on you!
Toledo has an interesting history which began in the current downtown location:
Prior to Toledo’s settlement by Europeans around 1795, it was populated by indigenous people representing Wyandot, Ojibwe, Potawatomie and Odawa tribes.
The Toledo War, from 1835-1836, between Ohio and Michigan was settled by the Federal Government and President Jackson. Michigan was told that the only way they could gain statehood was to turn over the Toledo Strip and accept the Upper Peninsula in exchange.
In 1833, the towns of Port Lawrence and Vistula merged to form Toledo. The purpose was to compete for trade along the Maumee River and the Erie Canal. Toledo’s “competitors” were the towns of Manhattan, Maumee and Waterville.
Port Lawrence was bounded by modern-day streets Jefferson (N), Washington (S), Superior (W), and the Maumee River to the east.
Vistula is considered the oldest neighborhood in Toledo. It was bounded by modern-day streets of Champlain, Summit, Walnut and Magnolia streets.
The two cities were platted separately and met at Cherry St. This explains why the streets run in slightly different directions.
Toledo soon became a transportation hub because of its strategic location to Lake Erie through canals and the railroad. It’s industrial goods were comprised of furniture, glass, carriages, and beer.
Here is a map of Port Lawrence and Vistula in 1835.